Winter CSA, Dec 2023

This year’s Winter CSA (community supported agriculture model) is going back to basics. The original farm CSA was designed for farmers to share what was in season and available in the quantity to meet their community’s need. Over time the model got more complicated… and here at Dandelion Spring we followed the trend. This year we’re embracing the original ethos behind a CSA and returning to the singular option – pay in advance and get a beautiful bag of produce, format.

Simple is good.

This winter we are starting off the year with a Four Week Winter Share. For $125 we’ll pre-pack a bag that will be greens heavy, and have some other winter diet staples.

As the winter continues we may add other blocks that you can pre-commit to. Stay tuned!

This OG model is available for sign-up now! The winter greens are already being planted in the greenhouses, the garlic is cured and stored away, we’ll be bringing in the winter squash in a few short weeks, and the fall carrots have perhaps never been this weed free. We’ll wait and harvest those after they’ve been sweetened by a good frost.

Truly looking forward to sharing this bounty with you!


Transformations on The Farm


A dream life..